foreign student
international student
over-seas students
overseas students
studying abroad
As an overseas student, I have been looking forward to working in Australian enterprises in order to learn how the Australian working system and management goes.
Ambassador Liu also answered questions on cross Strait relations, return and employment of Chinese overseas students, economic development and environmental protection in China.
The foreign students studying in Beijing come from all parts of the world.
Tsinghua and the Chinese government give many scholarships in an attempt to boost the quantityand quality of foreign students; but again, money 芹核can only go so far.
This would involve the country not only teaching more courses in English but also providing betterservices to the international students.
The use of the word "overstaying" clearly gave the impression that these students had remained in the UK illegally while the article itself made no such accusation.
This week in our Foreign Student Series, we look at alcohol policies at American colleges anduniversities.
For every four students who left in the past decade, only one returned, Chinese governmentstatistics show.
The effect of overseas students on the US scientific community is crucial.
Even among Chinese students overseas, the guys tended to date only among the pool of theircompatriots, while most of the girls picked up local boyfriends.
Students studying abroad(中国在外国的肆伏蚂)
International student (外裂埋国在中国的)
Returned overseas graduates(学成回中国的)