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2024-05-20 19:24:36

active/optimized path
成熟的运动控制, 通过优化路径增大运行速度, 大大减少加工时间.
Sophisticated motion control increases maximum velocity with optimised curves, significantly reducing cycle time.
通过我们的产品优化路径 ,可以提高员工和整个过程的工作效率 。
By optimizing routes, the productivity of employees and efficiency of the overall process can be increased.
The Problems and Optimization Route of the Industrial Organization in West China
动态和随机优化路径支持: 条件平均数及半标准偏差 CVar 计量 c.
Dynamic and Stochastic Optimization routines now support: Conditional Means and Semi-Standard Deviations for CVar computations c.
您可以使用虚拟样机研 究航天器姿态动力学与控制,研究探测机器人的动力学特性,验证能量优化路径
You can use virtual prototyping to investigate spacecraft attitude dynamics and control, study the dynamics of exploration robots, and validate power optimization routines.
Simulation results show that this method not only meets the complex attitude constraints to give an optimal attitude maneuver path, but also reduces energy consumption.
SCI will deep communicate with entrepreneurs, evaluate the actual feasibility, and find out the feasible optimization path, really solve the problem of enterprise capital operation
The Casino Group uses our solution to plan and optimise route schedules for its online sales subsidiary, CDiscount.
此外,模块化必须100%保证能可靠运行,更是一个挑战. 为了系统能达到这个水平,大量的测试并优化路径是必须的.
Besides modularity was the 100% guarantee reliable operation absolute even a challenge. A huge amount of tests and optimization loops are needed in order to get the system at this level.
实时路由优化 DSA 可以连续自动分析实时数据,通过避免互联网拥塞点和中断,自动选择到源服务器的优化路径
Real-time Route optimization DSA analyzes real time data continuously and automatically to select an optimized path to the origin server by avoiding internet congestion points and outages.
Thanks to our scale, the number of currencies we support and our global bank network, we can help you optimize routing, significantly reduce payment processing costs and maximize revenue opportunities.
两个抛物线 - 表示 形状, 两个相同, 张贴在各方的抛物线. 是一个通用模型 分析 思维. 这种类型的 思维 使您可以快速选择最 优化 路径 实现.
Two Parabola - represents a shape, of the two the same, posted in Parties of parabolas. Is a common model Analytical Thinking. This type of Thinking allows you to quickly select the most the optimal path realization.
The round robin with subset policy executes the round robin policy only on paths designated as active/optimized. The non-active/optimized paths will be tried on a round-robin approach upon failure of all active/optimized paths.
The failover policy employs one active/optimized path and all other paths are active/unoptimized, standby, or unavailable. The non-active/optimized paths will be tried round-robin upon failure of the active/optimized path until an available path is found.

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